My first HF antenna – 10m 1/2 wave dipole

10m monoband dipole, mounted underroof, reached Chile with only 100W in a distance of 13.168 km in USB and Tierra del Fuego in FT8 in a distance of 13.752 km.

Quite happy with this antenna and my first time I had to deal with soldering PL connectors. Soldering the cables and plugs was quite a fiddle at first, but it worked in the end. It was even more exciting to get the cable through the old feed-through that connects my attic radio hack to the other half of the house. My father had cut off the old cables so that I could at least use the leftovers to pull the new cables through.

Update 08.06.2024: I do not need the 10m dipole any longer and have converted it to a 6m dipole, which is now mounted to the south side of the house across the garden.