If you try to upload QSOs to LoTW with the ‘Propagation Mode’ ‘Terrestrial or atmospheric repeater or transponder’, you will not be able to upload them to LoTW.
Here is a QSO which was correctly edited with the ‘Propagation Mode’ ‘Terrestrial or atmospheric repeater or transponder’.
As a result, LoTW cannot accept this QSO:
If you remove the propagation mode, the upload could take place again. However, the QSO is then, strictly speaking, no longer logged correctly. Why is this the case? LoTW was not originally intended as a logbook, but as an award portal. Connections via repeaters or via the Internet are therefore not accepted – not even in the upload.
Further information here: https://groups.arrl.org/g/ARRL-LoTW/topic/modes_that_can_be_submitted/26868793